Monday, June 10, 2013

life coach

no, i don't have a life coach. but i learn something at every turn of my life. even seemingly benign events such as.....going to the grocery....i learn or remember something i could use. i listen to preachy songs. i read preachy books. i even go to a church every weekend (don't worry, it's totally compatible with my lack of belief in a god). i need reminders and boosters all the time. tomorrow i have to deal with something that might make me cry. in front of colleagues. i asked husband to give me a phrase i can stick in my head so i won't cry at the drop of a dime. he came up with "it's better to leave on a high note." i'm a cryer. i've learned running phrases through my head gets me through crucial times. *sometimes*

Sunday, June 9, 2013

SAD. the summer edition

you know how people get seasonal affective disorder when the days are grey, cold and wintry? not me. i get it in the summer. no, really. i do. as life goes on, i've lost contact with friends through distance and growing apart. right now, i basically have none. none that i can call up and cry upon. sure, i have my husband...but he can only handle so much. he has his own shit like we all do. i hope this isn't a long summer.